Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

warm sun following

glendover pond in december

I attended the 9:30 a.m. service at Suncreek United Methodist Church, having gotten too late a start to make
the service at First on time. I liked that they sang "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", "Do you heard what I Hear", and "Joy to the World", though I wish the arrangement of "Joy to the World" had not involved a kind of pop repetitive refrain of "joy to the world". I think that carols and hymns lose a little of their power when the arrangement tries to make them sound like a Word Publishing Company publication.

After church I took Beatrice for a walk around Glendover Pond. The weather was in the high '40s, and seemed quite chilly, until in the latter half of our walk the sun came out. Then everything seemed warmer. I like that in December the small park has few users, in this case limited to the four fellows fishing in the little pond.

After Weight Watchers, I went to First United Methodist Church for their "back to Bethlehem" program. I liked the childrens' choir and the youth handbell choir which performed holiday songs. The church gymasium gussied up a bit like in biblical times was interesting, though the crowds were sufficiently brisk that I could not spend my play money anywhere. I also enjoyed very much the gingerbread cookie proferred in the "modern" section. The living nativity scene reminded me just a little of being 13 and standing on cold December nights in shepherds' garb in Gurdon, Arkansas, circa 1972.

Tonight I watched the local football team once more pull defeat from the jaws of victory. For now, though, I am beginning to focus on cards to address and presents to buy for the Christmas season.

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