Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

coreopsis in November bloom

Things look brighter and sunny indeed. Yesterday a family worry resolved itself extremely favorably. Monday one of my much-beloved nephews went missing from his university. By Wednesday evening he was no longer missing, to our tremendous relief.

Tonight my wife made a wonderful London Broil. I've completed five new songs, and may well call that an EP, called "Weights and Measures". My new car is humming along nicely. We awoke to a pleasant chill this morning. My teen-age niece is coming for a visit this weekend. This month our dog Teddy turns 17. I'm thinking about streaming services and donating canned yams for the holidays. The news is full of the sad situation at Pennsylvania State University, at which a child molestation situation arose.

My visit to Laredo made me want to go back to tropical Texas, but I think that it's McAllen, and the Santa Ana wildlife refuge, that I'd most like to see. At our local Hagerman refuge, the snow and Ross geese began their return. When I began this entry I was listening to Stephen Phillips, but now the music is that of Lucette Bourdin, a self-taught painter who, upon learning she had cancer, devoted her remaining life to creating ambient music. She passed away in February. Her soft music in my headphones reminds me of opportunities seized, and
gratitude for every breath and every loved one.

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