Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

  • Music:

ocarina day

Today I turned 52. I thought about what percentage of my life is over, what percentage of my career is over, and also what it was that I wanted--I wanted tiny marshmallows and graham cracker crumbs on my frozen yogurt.

Tonight at the Allen Public Library, Cris Gale gave a free ocarina concert. She's a local artist who is amazing. You can see her perform by searching youtube for "ocarina diva". I liked best when she performed solo pieces, without the recorded backing, but it was all very good. I liked the classical pieces the best--a Dowland lute song was great on ocarina--but the anime and video game soundtrack songs were quite interesting, also. The crowd wanted an encore, but she's played all her music--there is something to be said, in a way, for not holding back.

Today at lunch I stopped a Springfield Park in Rowlett, where I watched two egrets eagerly waltzing in the grass, hunting bugs. Each had a little color on a white torso, and a little color on the crown. Perhaps they were cattle egrets, but I wondered if they were more exotic.

My wife caught a dawn flight to DC for a special event. Her college roommate and best friend Rhonda was slated to go to the Kennedy Center tonight to see a play with friends. Sadly, her friend passed away this Summer. Her friend's local DC friends invited my wife to come and use Rhonda's ticket. They'll have a great time this weekend.

I ate a sandwich at Escape Coffee Shop after the Market Street Grocery had already closed its food serving line. Tomorrow I may check out the Borders bookstore going out of business sale.

My weekend looks like rest, hike, bike, and work--not a bad combination at all

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