Tonight my wife and I went to the Verizon store to get her a new smart phone. The Verizon store in Plano is always spectacularly helpful. We found the make and model she will get. I've really enjoyed my LG Ally, but she is going with the Motorola.
We stopped in Batteries +. My wife had bought a battery there but accidentally cut into its protective coating.
Free of charge, the fellow behind the counter put a new coating on it. Voila! Double purchase avoided.
We ate dinner at McAllister's Deli. The food was quite good. I had not had that chain on my mental "list" of places I like to eat, but I will add it to my list.
We stopped at Performance Bicycles. I bought a new bicycle. 7 gears, coaster brakes. I pick it up tomorrow night.
Exciting plans are in session for the weekend.