Prior to driving back to Texas, we stopped at Garvan Woodland Gardens near Lake Hamilton, on the edge of Hot Springs. This heavily wooded garden had great paths, flowers and vistas. We saw this very hip lizard:
<a href="></a>
A scarlet tanager flew nearby. We saw lots of lovely flowers.
Here is a link to an 88 second video of our trip through the garden.
We liked one of the volunteers, who explained that he used to be ranger in the Angeles National Forest, trying to watch for fires from the fire towers near Sierra Madre.
Tonight we ate seafood at Rockfish Cafe. Then we went to Kinko's [Fed Ex Office] to digitize photos my wife had taken of her friend Rhonda over 30 some-odd years. It was great to see Rhonda at 19, and then watch the photos progress. A friend sent my wife her obituary, with a very recent photo, in which Rhonda had a huge smile, even amid oxygen assistance. I was pleased with how much good I could do in "resurrecting" decades-old photos using the picnik photo editor.