I'd like to see the part of the country northwest of Amarillo. I lived in Amarillo from age 1 to age 3. I have only been back once, I believe. I am intrigued by that intersection of states in a prairie/plateau region.
I had an odd experience. One of my songs was going to be used in a compilation. However, the person in charge of "mastering" advised he could not use the .wav files I provided which were the stems. Indeed, the suggestion was somehow that the stems should have been different. It was as if my song should have different component parts than the actual component parts. The particular compilation just came out, without my track. A part of me is disappointed, but a part of me feels a bit amused and perhaps even a bit self-assured. (in that, simple as I am, I could easily have mastered the track). There will be other compilations--lately, a goodish few a year. But when you boil me down to the .wav files, there is not much "there" there. It's all in the assembly.