Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

through the looking glass

Tonight I went to the Prairie and Timbers Audubon Society meeting. The bird identification lesson was on woodland birds. Some I know well-chickadee, tufted titmouse. A few I love when I see--ruby-crowned kinglet. One was the familiar yellow-rumped warbler. Yet I find that I am imperfect about wren identification, and unsound about catbirds, despite being familiar with their seats. I have much to learn.

A fellow named Moore, who is a professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, spoke on birds he saw in the Panama Canal Zone last March. Although I love seeing pictures of mot mot and kiskadee, the exercise did not make me long to go to Panama so much as make me want to know my local birds better. Why tangle with all those odd flycatchers, when I have so much to learn here at home?

During the very good talk, the speaker suddenly noticed there was a large raccoon just outside the huge window at the back of the meeting room. I got a quick glimpse of him. I wonder what he was thinking, sitting in the dark, foraging while a speech was on the other side of the glass.

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