Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

last boy on virus

My computer at work succumbed to a viral attack, but our IT guy had me up and running in no time on a fill-in computer, while he sorted out the virus. I have not had a virus at work in years--but this one evaded (and perhaps unhooked) my anti-viral. I ordered a sandwich at Tom Thumb's grocery for lunch, then changed my order to the 1 dollar and 99 cents corn dog special. I'm reading a mystery about WW II England, a book about a biologist in Maine who observed two wild Canada geese he befriended, and Meghan Daum's "I moved to the midwest and all I out of it was this comic novel". I'm enjoying all three books. I have the white side of a stonewall opening in one of the 2 postal chess games I have going, and the game is just now entering that fun place in which I get to make a fun little attack. I spoke to a good fellow who wishes me to serve as an assistant tournament director at
a huge tournament in 10 days. It should be fun to be a small cog in a large machine. I need to practice with pairing software so that I am of any conceivable use. I got a note from a fellow who used my song "Statia", created by samples from DJ Lang, in a "book trailer", a cool video about a book. The sky had a nice red streak in it tonight, like a bit of scarlet licorice. I liked the old comic book Kamandi--Last Boy on Earth, because the talking animals always had good things to say. I've been watching the Sugar Bowl on TV, but my Arkansas Razorbacks are failing to play any defense. Tomorrow it is to be 60 degrees.

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