Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

cedar waxwing wtih a berry in its mouth

I took a walk at Bethany Lakes Park Saturday. Dozens of ducks frolicked in the ponds, including varieties of duck not usually seen there. I stopped by the Allen Home and Garden Show, held in a minor league hockey rink.

The fair trade baskets from Ghana, the little gravity-powered exercise scooter, the blooming flowers from the local nursery, and the booth for feral friends rescue were cool. The booths for sham-wow, roofing, gimmicky home improvement and things that shred, dice, slice and cut were uninteresting. I wanted to see HGTV's Paul James, but he was not appearing until Sunday.

I went to the Oscar-nominated animated shorts presentation at the Magnolia Theater. I liked best the Spanish film about a fight between the Grim Reaper and an over-eager surgeon. I also liked the Wallace and Gromit. All the films were quite impressive. I suspect a French film which satirizes Hollywood and corporate America will win. The film was well-made but not my favorite.

We went to Rockfish Grill for a dinner of Gulf snapper. Then we rented the movie "Adam", in which Rose Byrne gave a particularly winning performance in a love story in which one partner had Asperger's Syndrome. We also watched folks in various states of ski, skate, and curl.

Today after church, I went with a young friend for an Indian buffet at the Chetinaad Restaurant in Plano, at which we were two of three people not of the Desi community in a crowded cafe. The buffet was grand. The best part was the plate of dhosas they brought to us.

We hiked the trail on Renner Road. I was glad we could hike at all, as it has stormed this morning. We saw three eastern bluebirds, a lovely cedar waxwing with a blue berry in its mouth, and a great-looking Cooper's (or short-shinned, hard to tell) hawk. We stopped by a used CD store. We also wandered the country roads around Princeton, where we saw stark, lovely wetlands landscapes.

I visited Half-Priced Books, where I bought two Jane Austens to re-read, Anne Bronte's governess novel, and a CD of guitar duos of Brazilian movies. Then I finished creating a weblog I created for the purpose of serving as a cool mixtape. I was happy with the result.

We are predicted to have snow or very cold rain Tuesday. Tonight the temperature fell like a brick.

I wish I were an Olympic curler.

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