Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Texas State Fair 2009

We took the train down to the State Fair on this chilly but rainless October morning.

1. The train was packed with folks. I had to stand most of the way down.
2. We did not ride a single ride, not even the Ferris wheel. That actually worked out very well.
3. We did not eat the fried butter, the fried pecan pie, the fried chocolate truffle, the fried peanut butter macaroon, nor any of the dozen or so other fried edibles that are a fair tradition. The fried butter was a real crowd-pleaser, with a long line.
4. The new butterfly house was amazing! They took a former indoor tropical plant space and totally refurbished it. Right now it's all Texas butterflies,but it's quite a collection, because it includes the sub-tropical south Texas species. Soon they hope to have an exotics license, but I'd rather they stay all Texas.
5. The discovery garden was in vivid bloom on a gloomy day. The colors popped.
6. We did not see the trick dog show--we got there too late for the early shows, and the 2 o'clock show was all full.
7. We ate hot dogs while a cool "Celtic Rock" band called Kildare played. Think a largely instrumental Big Country, with a bagpipe and an attractive fiddle playing woman. Surprisingly appealing.
8. The boer goats in the show barn were amazing,but the goat in the petting zoo in the process of actually giving birth was really unexpected. The little new-born kid was cool. I only got pictures of the show goats, though.
9. What wonderful quilts! The crafts this yearof all kinds were the best I can remember.
10. The car show featured only American brands. The Buicks, of all things, were surprisingly fun.
11. We did not buy a sham-wow. We did buy a very good BBQ sauce.
12. I bought a John Deere hat and a John Deere toboggan cap for 20 dollars. I've always liked John Deere.
13. I did not do any mid-way games, including my favorite==the little yellow ducks.
14. I love the way that people from really small towns have a distinctive look, not better, not worse, but definitely and identifiably different.

zebra longwings butterfly
small postal butterfly
orange flower
kid goat at the texas state fair
killdares, texas state fair, october 10, 2009
sow with litter

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