Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

when it all shakes out

Okay, let's do a hypothetical.

You've squandered your three genie wishes, and the genie's gone.

You've won the lottery and burned the money on ill-chosen investments and ill-kept luxury cars, now dented.
You're no longer a tower of cash.

You did the fame thing, and even got 16 minutes, a minute extra, but now you're as obscure as a letter opener holster.

You've had your creative break-through, but now the mud barrier is restraining the flood waters again.

At your high school reunion, they talked about how great you were when they didn't realize that you were in the room, and then they mistook you for the catering coordinator.

You've had--and lost--all the material trappings and all the attention and all the superficials.

What is is that you really need the most?

What is it that you're most pleased to still have?

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