Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Forgotten Dreams (featuring C. Reider)

vuzh honored me in March by asking me to be one of the contributors to a new album of ambient pieces which sampled from his guitar-ambient album "The Long Defeat". I created version after version, finally settling upon 15 minutes of roaming drone which is dark but with a sombre sense of melody. The album is due out in the next week or so, and will be a Creative Commons release, ready for people to download and remix, if they will.

I decided to add additional samples to a section of my song to create a new remix. I added a percussion sample from an artist named Neurowaxx and an fx artist named Brilliant Orange Object. I posted the result at CCmixter as "Forgotten Dreams".

A kind young Vienna film-maker,Izvor Moralic, contacted me, because he wanted to make a video of "Forgotten Dreams". Today he contacted me to let me konw that the youtube "Forgotten Dreams (featuring C. Reider)" is posted. Here is the embed:

I'm very grateful to Izvor for his work on this film, which re-imagines my piece in a fun and provocative way.

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