Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Radio, radio

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation radio show Spark covers new technology trends with a light touch. I discovered this show when they sampled a few of my drones for backing material, and became a regular podcast listener.

This week, Spark did its "Collaboration Episode", in which listeners
suggested story topics on a group wiki. It's being broadcast today at noon and Saturday at 4 p.m.

I suggested Calendar Girl's wonderful music collaboration/remix site Calendar Songs. The folks at Spark chose this as one of the stories, and did an interview of Calendar Girl.

Spark let me do the little 30 second intro to the piece, which I recorded light-heartedly and quickly (and, after hearing the piece with the sound levels "punched up" for radio, too obviously technically imperfectly).

The resulting radio show, at which I appear just after roughly minute 13:30, broadcasts on Wednesday (today) at noon and Saturday at 4 p.m. If anyone is interested, the podcast is located here.

I'm grateful that the folks at Spark set up this "crowdsourcing" episode, as it was fun to write the pitch wiki for the piece, and then follow it as it went from idea to fruition, all in a very few weeks. I was pleased ,too, to be able to support in a small way a project which has been great fun in which to participate and to hear. Also, it was good to add my mockingbird and rainforest sound samples. The world is, after all, an endless wiki of found sound.

One of my next material acquisitions, though, will be a headset/mike arrangement so that any future voice recordings go more smoothly without crying out for a microphone screen.


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