Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

sleep rather than radical freedom

Last night I noticed I was getting a little down. I had had a few minor setbacks--the inexplicably missing car keys, a weight gain at Weight Watchers--but really nothing despair-inspiring.

I'd been meaning to go fishing, so I decided to try once more the cute little park pond in my neighborhood. I caught, and released, a little channel catfish who put up a noble fight.

Then, at about 9 p.m., in the middle of a PBS episode about the technology used for the D Day invasion (parenthetically, much more interesting than the average war show), I fell sleep. Before you know it, more or less, it was the next morning. As is sometimes the case, it turned out my inner turmoil amounted to not much more than needing a good night's sleep.

I have four hard days of work this week, and then a long weekend. I plan to get plenty of sleep.

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