Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

garage sale thrift store

Today Spring advanced forward yet another step. I walked at lunch past blooms and butterflies. After work, I stopped in a curious place called Garage Sale Thrift Store, over by the recording studio. A small sign said "Store Closing--50% off". I made the block, and went in.

Right now I like the sound of bells. I bought a tiny bell and a small bell. The woman behind the counter and a woman in front of the counter were negotiating the sale of the store--a cash payment and assumption of an incredibly cheap month-to-month rental. They did not work in detailed documentation--they seemed to be only a handshake from doing the deal. The buyer went to fetch the landlord. The seller told me "that will be 2 dollars and 70 cents". She then told me that I was in fact the first sale by the new owner--and the new owner did not even know it yet. I counted out the seven dimes with all the requisite solemnity of being the terra nova currency.

Today I made strides on my "to do" list, but I have many things yet to do. Excelsior, I say, drawing a sword, and ringing a bell.

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