Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

New EP: Tallgrass Canticle

Today we released my new Creative Commons weirdbient EP, "Tallgrass Prairie", on the netlabel
verian and I run, called Negative Sound Institute (NSI).

It's available for free download at:

this NSI link.

You can also hear it at the page without downloading, because verian embedded one of those webjay-like things in the page.

In customary Gurdonark fashion, a long soliloquy about the inner meaning of the drones serve as liner notes to the pieces. It turns out that this EP is about prairie (tallgrass) and hymns (canticle). But of course not literal grasslands, nor actual hymns, but something else--something a bit more elusive, something experienced within--unforgettable and yet sometimes almost forgotten.

My earlier NSI release, which just crossed download number 250, featured a single 23 minute ambient piece. This time I wanted to do something with shorter pieces, as I start from the basic premise that if two minutes was enough for the Ramones, it should be enough for me.Also, I notice what others have noticed before me--in my mp3 player, I want shorter pieces and I am less concerned with albums than with short bursts of song.

I've enjoyed putting this together, and I hope people enjoy hearing it.

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