Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

crackling with cracked

Today proved a busy work day, but I was pleased to pick up Thanksgiving pictures that made me happy. I am not a profound photographer--indeed, I am not profoundly anything, other than profoundly intermittently boring--but some of the family photos turned out to be charming indeed.

The Christmas season officially began for me today, because the Live 365 netradio site has begun to carry it annual "Cracked Christmas Show", which features, among many other songs, my solo kazoo version of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas". I know so much more about recording now than I did when I recorded this album, but I am not sure I have ever kazoo'd a classic with more flair.

My blitz chess is on the decline, but I'm still feeling optimistic about the New Year. I'm working on critical decisions now--like rockport v. port isabel, and which delights of the mind better candy? I met a woman with a dog named Praline, but my dog has Dante in her nomenclature.

I felt a bit bashful today because I saw a really cool set of infrared cheap goggles that I felt I simply must have, for their color-morphing splendor, only to notice, after I won, that the "x-ray goggles" were advertised as all-seeing as they supposedly enhance the fundamental transparency of life. I have no desire to see through anything or any body, although I imagine, sometimes, I have a penetrating glance. I just like to see the colors bleed and extrude and illuminate and irradiate, all Curie curious, without the radioactive side effects. I promise, when goggles arrive, to look only at inanimate objects--and the sky.

I feel a need for slide whistle lessons or a seminar in clown school, but I will settle for answered e mails and diligent hard work.

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