For me the true harbingers of Autumn are all grackles. Huge, energetic black birds flock into live oak trees. Riotous song--elven laughter--endless hordes in some avian Valhalla. Every bird's name ends with -son or -dottir. Wellspring of the joy of living. Alive in song.
My favorite Fall color is black
For me the true harbingers of Autumn are all grackles. Huge, energetic black birds flock into live oak trees. Riotous song--elven laughter--endless hordes in some avian Valhalla. Every bird's name ends with -son or -dottir. Wellspring of the joy of living. Alive in song.
Al Stewart Friday
Friday night we drove to Dallas to see the Al Stewart concert. We arrived early enough to be able to park in its 8 dollar parking lot. The Grenada…
Change of Weather
After a day or two of record high temperatures, we got some chilly, breezy and wet weather. Tonight after work we go to the Grenada Theater. I hope…
Paging Spencer Atwill
I had a dream in which I was driving on a superhighway in the American South. I stopped when I saw some boxes off the road. They turned out to be…
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