Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

sometimes a cigar is not a cigar but merely a birth announcement

Now we have a new niece. I'm pleased. I love being an uncle. I think I am in many ways very uncle-like.

I'm pondering the issue of whether to do the National Novel Writing Month (nanowrimo) competition next month. I completed a novel during nanowrimo in 2002, but have chosen not to participate in the intervening years. I want to do more creative writing than I do, but I am much more at home writing poetry than fiction. I'm interested in writing for submission more than I do.

In 2002, the thing I enjoyed most was meeting the other kids who participated in the madness. Many of them took it all so seriously. I try not to take writing too seriously. I did enjoy writing the novel--in 10 days--and also the thrill when I uploaded it and got the little badge that declared me a "winner". I keep meaning to get the novel I wrote then printed up and distributed to anyone who wants one--but it's about as ponderous as my weblog, and thus I have not given it the priority it deserves.

Tomorrow we drive back to Texas, whereupon I will download a new Henri Pettersen CD from the internet, thanks to Mr. Pettersen's comment alerting me he has a new one coming out. I like the interconnectedness of internet and electronic music, in which one can interact one on one with the artists to whom one listens, without anyone worrying about being a "fan" or a "devotee".

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  • Al Stewart Friday

    Friday night we drove to Dallas to see the Al Stewart concert. We arrived early enough to be able to park in its 8 dollar parking lot. The Grenada…

  • Change of Weather

    After a day or two of record high temperatures, we got some chilly, breezy and wet weather. Tonight after work we go to the Grenada Theater. I hope…

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