Source: Food and Agriculture Organization 2002, FAO 1998 (from the website)
I must admit that I have given up on our current government when it comes to making real progress. In this one, limited way I am in sympathy with folks who disdain all government but the basic schools, police, roads, and homeland security, on the grounds that government is just too clumsy a tool to get any real work done. So long as folks can be elected whose main goal is to ensure the success of a few large corporations, then government can become regressive again.
I've been reading this morning about Ray Buchanan, a Methodist minister in Raleigh, North Carolina, who
started an organization called Stop Hunger Now. Stop Hunger Now devotes its time to getting food to hungry folks in the third world.
As the holiday season begins, I want to do a few things that are not about getting to the mall at 6 a.m.,
listening to "White Christmas" (though I do love that song) and watching candles lit on top of candlesticks covered with holly. I think I can do a little bit to help, and I will.