Please name two unique material things you treasure, though each cost you less than fifteen dollars to buy.
Please name two songs (title, artist) you wish your voice were truly good enough to sing.
Please name your favorite brand of soap and your favorite brand of shampoo
Please provide a name which you wish you'd named a pet, but never have
What gift did you always long to receive at the holidays as a child, but never did?
What gift did you receive from a family member that you loved even though before you got it, you never hoped to receive it?
What material gift did you give that most delighted somebody else?
What was your favorite Halloween (or other costume celebration) outfit ever?
What was the best movie you ever saw while on a date with someone?
What movie, if any, did you see right before a devastating break-up?
If you could be a school teacher or college professor, what subject would you teach?
If you could be a scientific researcher, what field would you research?
If you could be a skilled tradesperson, what skill would you learn?
If you could be famous for one thing insignificant, what would it be?
Who is your favorite light fiction writer of all time?