Let's celebrate the sheer absurdity of friendship, and of the ways in which we relate on-line. Let's not point out that "friends list" and "friend" are not synonyms. Let's analyze less, therapize none at all, and regale ourselves with our private stories, for mass consumption. Let's poll, let's roll, and let's find our inner soul--and then retail it, for free, on-line:
LiveJournal seems to me to be:
I have done each of the following:
In a LiveJournal Heaven,
Which of your LJ friends is mostly closely your doppelganger (~so much your twin that he or she could just take over your life) (no sidejournals or other "it's really you anyway" answers, please!)
LJ friends constitute what percentage of your total friends?
The thing most incredible to you about LJ is:
You find yourself from time to time doing the following:
Which LJ friend that you enjoy reading is utterly the least like you are?
If my LJ friends' list were a color, they would be:
If your LJ friends were collectively a sound, they'd be:
If you were forced to trade your LJ for something material,which would you pick?
If you could tell the world one thing you wish you could tell an LJ friend (other than Gurdonark), who and what would it be? Example: To user x, I'd say "insert words here"