I also like to learn about my LJ friends, most of whom I think of as being their LJ names (which makes for pronunciation issues with some of the more intriguing names like deriasys). So I thought I'd celebrate birds--and my LJ readers--by coming up with a bird-brained poll in which I can learn more about folks on LJ and their favorite birds.
The bird which most closely resembles you is:
The killdeer is a kind of suburban plover which builds its nest on the ground. When an intruder comes too near, a killdeer may do the "broken wing dance", running along the ground, pretending to have a broken wing, to distract the intruder from the nest. Without divulging any dark secrets, what is in your personal life's nest for which your journal serves as a "broken wing dance" to distract your readers from what is really happening?
What would be the coolest thing about being a hummingbird?
What's your favorite bird?
Okay, you're in coastal California, trapped among pecking birds in a Hitchcock movie. What do you do?
If you were a bird, what would you look like?
Which bird would you rather be?
Help kick of the "bird series"! What species of bird should Gurdonark write a post about?
Using metaphor liberally, describe which bird you think is the most "spiritual", and why?
When you die, you want to go to the kind of afterlife where they:
If you could fly within a two hundred mile radius, where would you visit that you've never been?