Which of your relatives are you least like? (where applicable)
Which lack would worry you least?
Which celebrity is the closest to your polar opposite?
You have been given the spiritual gift to eliminate one negative thing from the world. What do you choose?
Imagine that you are the perfect blend of two people, living or dead, whom you admire from afar, but who are not like you at all. Which two people would those two people be?
What subject in school interested you least?
On a scale from 0 to 100, rate what percentage of your outlook on life is needlessly negative?
If you could choose one trait that you sorely lack, which will be given to you painlessly in a poppy-field dream, to keep forever, what would be that trait?
No matter what criticism they make of you, they can never impugn your:
What personal breakthrough would you like to make that seems far too difficult now to ever achieve?
If you could be a more positive thinker, granted the grace to achieve your dreams, what would you positively ensure that you could achieve next:
What is the place you've never seen, but wish you could, but you're *positive* you wouldn't fit in there?