Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Monarchs are Free

We woke up in the pre-dawn and re-watched the movie  Kramer v. Kramer on television. We each first saw the movie when we were university age. The movie wears fairly well, a thing of its time and yet a timeless story. I believe the film proved to be Meryl Streep's breakthrough role. The workings of family court then and now are not my base area of knowledge, but the trial result always troubles me a bit in that movie. Nowadays I suppose a family study would be done to bolster the record a bit.

This afternoon I walked on the Ridgeview Trail. I saw my first Collin County Loggerhead Shrikes of the year. My Collin County count stands at 70 species so far this year. The coming of Spring migration means that almost any walk can be walk in which I see something new. I saw more Monarch butterflies today. My hope is that this will be a good Monarch butterfly year.

We have warm weather predicted for Monday and Tuesday, followed by a cold front on Wedneday. I am reminded of the Arkansas Gazette columnist of my childhood who wrote about the Annual Jonquil and Snow Tire Festival--and how there was a truth in that.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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