Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

low percentile with a bullet

Monday afternoon my wife got her Covid-19 vaccination. She was able to find a place more local than mine, at the Baylor Scott White center near the Dallas Cowboys training facility in Frisco. While I got the Moderna vaccine, she got the Pfizer vaccine. Her return appointment for the second shot will be sooner than mine, due in part to the different cycles of the two vaccines.

Work this week feels a bit busy, but I am getting things done. Last night after work I walked at Allen Station Park. Canada Geese flew overhead.

One thing I never understand is why socks wear out so quickly.   My ratings on so far are:

Bullet  (one minute a side) rating:  849  Percentile among users: 49.3%
Blitz  rating: 1409  percentile among users: 88.4%
Daily: rating: 1342 percentile among users 77.4%

I play bullet chess a lot lately, but my rating is like a roller coaster, with a few highs and lots of fast lows.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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