Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

The Injection

I got up early this morning and drove a bit over an hour to Fort Worth. My Covid-19 vaccination appointment required me to be there by 7:45 a.m.

The instructions advised me not to show up early. I got to Fort Worth early, and found the Texas Christian University (TCU) campus. After waiting in a parking lot until near my time,  I tried to find my way to the stadium, but a road had been blocked off by police. I wandered for a bit, before asking the police how to get in line. They gave me directions. I got in a line of cars driving to get in. A nice man came and checked my name off the list. Volunteers then directed the traffic, including me, into the parking lot. I filled out the requisite useful/dreary forms. A woman advised me early in that we would get the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.

At length, a young woman who I took as a nursing student gave me an injection as I sat in my car. She assured me that she, too, did not prefer to look at the injection being given.   The whole process took less than 45 minutes, even after the 10 minute wait to make sure we had no adverse reactions.  I read somewhere that the TCU/Baylor Scott White Vaccination hub handled 1,000 vaccinations a day. The impressive efficiency I observed could have convinced me that the numerous volunteers and caregivers could handle 10,000 a day.

I drove back to Allen, with a reservation for my second vaccination on April 24 I liked the drive-in approach.

This week I walked on the Chisholm Trail, at Story Park, on the Cottonwood Creek Trail, on the Ridgeview Trail  and in Glendover Park.  I saw two species for the first time this year--a Northern Rough-Winged Swallow and a Barn Swallow.

I've been playing a lot of chess at, and working hard on a lot of work things this week. Tonight we watched the film by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed "My Octopus Teacher."  I enjoyed it even more than I had thought I would.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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