Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Re-Reading Innocence

Saturday I workred much of the morning. In the afternoon, I walked in Story Park and in Green Park. I finished reading G.K. Chesterton's "Innocence of Father Brown," which I had not read in years. I started reading a new novel, Helen Kitson's "The Last Words of Madeleine Anderson." 

During the weekend, I watched different teams on television. One thing was a disc golf tournament. I was intrigued that throwing a spinning disc near a flag was still called "putting." I re-watched the movie "Galaxy Quest," which grows on me through the years.

Sunday I walked in Glendover Park and in Allen Station Park. In the latter I saw a cool Brown Creeper climbing a tree.  I also walked by Lavon Lake. I like the somber contrasting colors of the dead winter grasses. I listened to a BBC discussion about John Wesley.  Late this afternoon, I watched part of the televised victory of the local sports team over the team from Philadelphia.

We are now watching a set of episodes of "Miranda."

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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