Robert (gurdonark) wrote,


I read about the Mitford sisters once again.  The horrendous choices made by Diana and Unity Mitford stand out. What profiteth a woman to be the modern incarnation of Botticelli's Venus but to become a fascist? That's a lost pathway to Europe.

This has another busy week. I am glad I worked on Labor Day. I felt good about what I got done, but then felt I should get more done. I did walk on the Cottonwood Creek Trail after work. That relaxed me.

Sunday late I dropped a camera, rendering it non-responsive. I ordered a new/used one on eBay and a new/used spare or two.

We watched a television show about the dwarf planet Pluto. The show featured stunning satellite imagery.

We ate fish for dinner.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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