Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Class of 2026

I got up early this morning. By 7:30 I was parked at our local Kroger, effectively a mile down the road. I pulled into the part of its parking lot for pick-up orders and called via phone. I was the only one parked in one of the designated space. My space bore the practical name Space 2. After a few moments a young man brought me my groceries. He let me know that they lacked the sports drink powder by Propel He put my groceries in the back end of my car, where I had lifted its fifth door. I tipped him a couple of dollars. I would have preferred to tip five, I think.

I took the groceries home because I had string cheese that needed refrigeration. Then I drove to Green Park, which is between my house and the grocery store. I walked for 68 minutes.  I listened to the Destination Linux podcast and watched for birds. The podcast covered the new Pinetab tablet. I hope to buy one when it moves from beta to a production product. I saw ten different bird species. I pulled into my driveway after the walk. The rain began to fall in earnest just as I parked.

Green Park abuts Green Elementary. School let out some weeks ago, and went on-line. A banner was posted out front. The sign congratulated the 6th graders on their graduation from elementary school. I liked that they were recognized as the "Class of 2026." May their world be brighter than it now appears.

I worked most of the day, taking breaks for lunch and to watch a bit of a movie. I felt good about the things I got done, My task list features lots of things to continue to accomplish. I thought about taking a mid-afternoon walk, but the rain fell until 6 p.m. My wife pointed out that a squirrel had broken into a sack of bird seed. I should have put that seed in one of my large glass mason jars.

At 6 p.m. the rain let up. I walked around Glendover Pond. A Spotted Sandpiper foraged by the shore of the pond.  My wife set off on a walk after I did. She did not see the sandpiper. She saw instead a juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron.

I ordered us Chinese delivery from Tian An Mien Wok. We have not ordered delivery in years.

I solved my daily 6 chess puzzles, or rather, I solved roughly 4 and gave a wrong answer for 2. The hardest one I 
solved correctly only because every other move seemed stupid. Perhaps that is a good sign.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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