I took the groceries home because I had string cheese that needed refrigeration. Then I drove to Green Park, which is between my house and the grocery store. I walked for 68 minutes. I listened to the Destination Linux podcast and watched for birds. The podcast covered the new Pinetab tablet. I hope to buy one when it moves from beta to a production product. I saw ten different bird species. I pulled into my driveway after the walk. The rain began to fall in earnest just as I parked.
Green Park abuts Green Elementary. School let out some weeks ago, and went on-line. A banner was posted out front. The sign congratulated the 6th graders on their graduation from elementary school. I liked that they were recognized as the "Class of 2026." May their world be brighter than it now appears.
I worked most of the day, taking breaks for lunch and to watch a bit of a movie. I felt good about the things I got done, My task list features lots of things to continue to accomplish. I thought about taking a mid-afternoon walk, but the rain fell until 6 p.m. My wife pointed out that a squirrel had broken into a sack of bird seed. I should have put that seed in one of my large glass mason jars.
At 6 p.m. the rain let up. I walked around Glendover Pond. A Spotted Sandpiper foraged by the shore of the pond. My wife set off on a walk after I did. She did not see the sandpiper. She saw instead a juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron.
I ordered us Chinese delivery from Tian An Mien Wok. We have not ordered delivery in years.
I solved my daily 6 chess puzzles, or rather, I solved roughly 4 and gave a wrong answer for 2. The hardest one I
solved correctly only because every other move seemed stupid. Perhaps that is a good sign.
from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice