Robert (gurdonark) wrote,


I got a good early start to my meeting in downtown Dallas. The traffic from my town to Dallas proved reasonable but not heavy. My meeting went until 8:30 Friday evening. The vibe was neither zombie movie nor a crowd.  The road work workers downtown almost all wore masks. I arrived so early that I had to pull into a parking space to wait before I went to the building where my meeting was held.

Beatrice went for a vet visit today. I hope the course of treatment will help her fur loss issue. I Iike her vets. I was glad she could see us during this crisis. Already, my doctor's office called to change my May appointment to a video appointment.

I got some new WW snacks in the mail. I was glad to get them.  We ate Thai food from Thai Pan tonight.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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