Yesterday I did not drive my car or go out to any establishment. I did take a walk in Glendover Park by my home in the morning, where so few people were out that I easily kept a good bit of distance. My neighbor down the street and I said "hello" from many feet away, across Landsford Drive.
After Dallas County to our south issued a fairly strong stay-at-home order, my county, Collin County, issued a fairly weak stay-at-home order that permitted most businesses to stay open. I think the Dallas County order is nearer the mark as things unfold.
In the late afternoon, after work, I walked from my home to Spirit Park. This walk also proved mostly uneventful, but twice I had to pull off to the side to let people pass to avoid coming into proximity of other people. I will go to less popular parks from now on.
We watched the "This is Us" season finale last night and enjoyed it very well.
I got up this morning and wrote some checks for some family business bills. Then I drove to the post office to mail them, as placing them in my outgoing mail does not always result in efficient pick-up. Afterward, i walked in Allen Station Park for half an hour, and had the southern half of the park to myself. I saw 12 species of birds, and then I headed home. Now I am ready for another day's work.
from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice