Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Southwest Bowl and Goldilocks

I spent a good bit of my past weekend working.  I also spent a  bit of time walking in the parks. I decided to start with a very green walk. I left my home and walked to nearby Glendover Park, and then walked over to Green Park. I like a Twitter account about low-carbon birding. I figure walking to parks helps this cause in a very tiny way.

Saturday night we went to see the Stella Meghie film "The Photograph" . We enjoyed it very well--in an age of Hallmark Channel romances (which I in general enjoy), this film told an interesting story with good characters and a good soundtrack and cinematography. The Movie House and Eatery also serves a good Southwestern Bowl which I enjoy and have them hold off the Ranch dressing.

Sunday morning I found that I lost three pounds. I still await word from the dentist as to when my replacement crown arrives. Sunday afternoon I listened to a Interplanetary Society podcast about a graduate student who co-authored a paper about a Goldilock (Earth-like)  planet.

Tonight I listened to the Ana Farris podcast interview with Judy Greer. I like Judy Greer's work. I confess that sometimes I get things crossed and think of Jane Horrocks when I think of Judy Greer. They are dissimilar.  But I like both of their work for some of the same reasons.

I"m making better progress through my read of "Sonic Writing", but my progress remains measured. The book impresses me, though, with its historical context confirming my long-held view that even in "experimental" music the amount of "new under the sun" remains small. I moved my recordings on my digital recorder to my desktop. Now I hanker to use some mallets to make new recordings to use in interesting ways.

Last week's cold gave way to today's warmth. But things change.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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