Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

neon skimmer identified in a lineup

This week many things went smoothly, but some things failed to go smoothly. I walked tonight in Oak Point Park. Helpful people at the site identified a Neon Skimmer dragonfly photo for me. A friend told me that in her life, that dragonfly symbolizes her late sister. I ate seafood gumbo for dinner tonight. I plan to get new tires soon. I prefer "Vera" to "Midsomer Murders." I dreamt about an ex-co-worker last night. In real life, the co-worker impressed me with a noble and successful change of career choice. In my dream, the same ex-co-worker impressed me running a new firm without a change in career.

I need a haircut, though as yet my need falls short of urgent. My car reached the 148,000 mile mark. In my childhood, my father kept cars roughly three years each. I feel a tinge about being in the last year of my car after only a bit under 8 years. I loved the look of the AMC Pacer, but my close friend in high school drove a Gremlin instead.

The weblog of a former LJ friend who wrote about trying to write a novel stopped being part of my friends' list years ago. I like, though, that the former weblog friend ultimately published a novel. I watched an episode of "Perry Mason". Lately I think how the show presents a complicated satire of Anglo southern California in the late 1950s and early 1960s, formatted into a formulaic morality play. The Easy Rawlins mysteries tell a different, richer Los Angeles story. Yet I imagine Erle Stanley Gardner posthumously approves.  I listened to the long version of the Yes song "Roundabout," which in my view constitutes the only really good version of that song. I debate mentally whether I prefer chocolate rice cakes or caramel rice cakes.

I worry about a couple of friends' health situations. I think about an upcoming three-day-weekend in October. I think about how I like the Perry Mason theme but disfavor the Matlock theme. The only tV theme I ever sing is "Theme from Rawhide".

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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