Tuesday evening I walked in Glendover Park and in the rest of my neighborhood .I was intrigued by a trio of young Scissor-Tailed Flycatchers in the tall tree next to Exchange.
I received an email containing the ebook I had ordered on Thursday. The small press offered an extra one in compensation, but I did not feel the small error involved required that much free merchandise. I knocked out the first 30-some-odd pages of this 90-some-odd page book. I am reading Roy Bayfield's non-fiction remembrance "Performance Cleaner", about the experience of being a cleaner in an avant-garde club in Brighton in the 1980s.
I like that the internet affords the chance to fact-check live. A reference to the pin-up Samantha Fox affords me a chance to run a search engine search to remember what little I knew about Ms. Fox. Similarly, the wikpedia entry on Brighton leads me to discussions of ancient churches and 250 small cafes.
I watched part of the second Democratic debate last night. I was comforted by the number of good candidates. I noted without being impressed with how much of a primary debate consists of seeking to resonate with the "base" Democratic voter.
from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice