I had made plans to meet up with [Unknown LJ tag] and her husband, but the details were hazy. We exchanged emails earlier in the month. I somehow had failed to respond to an email. Somehow my wife inadvertently forgot it was a lunch rather than a dinner and made plans to lunch and go to the opera with a friend.
Friday evening I sent an email, and got one back. But I did not realize I had a reply until i got up with a bit of insomnia at 4 a.m. Saturday morning I nearly missed our lunch because I did not check my texts. But it all worked out well, because we met up at Torchy's Tacos in Richardson. We had a nice talk. I must have known her for over 15 years now, but it had been several years since I had seen the two of them.
I had two soft tacos called Mr. Orange. I really enjoyed speaking with them.
Saturday afternoon I took a long walk on the Chisholm Trail starting at the Orlando trailhead in Plano. My step count app once again counted fewer steps than I thought it would count. I rode my bicycle to Green Park and walked there, too. Just before I got to the park, I saw a grown Cooper's Hawk in a nearby tree, not far away.
Saturday evening I made myself microwaved eggs for dinner. I fell asleep during Dr. Who.
Sunday morning I walked in Hoblitzelle Park. I found I had held my weight roughly steady yet another week I walked in Shawnee Park and then went to church. I ate grilled chicken from KFC.
I walked in Allen Station Park. I saw species of birds migraating through, and species of bird arriving for Winter. In the afternoon I listened to the Cowboys game on the radio, first while walking Beatrice and then while walking by myself. The Cowboys lost to the team from Washington on the very last play, when a field goal went just awry.
We ate hot dogs for dinner.
After days of rain, the weather was like Heaven.
from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice