Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

The Trio

I slept in a bit until 8 a.m.  I contemplated going to the 9 a.m. Linux users' group meeting at the Dallas Makerspace. But I decided to take Beatrice for a walk.  She decided we would vary our usual route through the park. She instead turned left at a street in our neighborhood. Perhaps she was influenced by the cute white terrier who came up to us, independent of owner or leash. That dog sought to say hello to Beatrice, who felt a bit non-chalant about the whole matter. I tried to pet the dog and look at her collar, but the little white dog moved on. Some dogs do not want to be traced and returned. I think her owner must have called her in, as she ceased to be in evidence.

After we walked in a kind of rectangle for a few blocks, Beatrice stopped at a house. I looked at the house. It had yellow bricks like our house. I had to tell Beatrice it was not our house. She seemed at first not to understand--or perhaps she just liked yellow-brick houses and knew the real story all along. 

I decided to drive to Russell Creek Park in Plano. I hoped to walk near its small pond and its open fields. But when I got there, there were thousands of families in its parking lots. I understood then why the soccer fields had one million parking spaces, give or take 900,000.

I drove instead to Limestone Quarry Park in nearby Frisco. I walked the sidewalk trails there, which were much less cloudy. i had a radio station playing a sports contest playing in my headphones.

I enjoyed a pleasant walk, seeing some 10 species of bird. My favorite part was when a small Bobcat crossed the trail in front of me. She paused, mid-crossing, and looked back. Her two kittens came running behind her, and headed with her into the bushes. I regretted that it was all too fast for a photograph. But I loved seeing the kittens.  I did take a photo of a cool whiptail lizard and of a young and stylish Northern Mockingbird.

I went to Wendy's for a grilled chicken sandwich and chili.  I got a 1 dollar protective glass  for my over-wrought cell phone screen from Dollar Tree. I bought some bananas.  Then I went home, I did some paperwork on some family business, while listening to a football game through the headphones. My alma mater the University of Arkansas was soundly defeated by the University of North Texas. The world turned upside down. I resolved to be a rough-weather fan and not a fair-weather fan.

I walked in Glendover Park, still listening to the radio. My little pocket radio did the job. A spot of rain fell, but only a spot. We have had a rainy September.   I read some pages in my ebook.

We went to Jason's Deli, where I had a southwestern chicken chili.  Then we rented the movie Ocean's 8.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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