Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

books and a butterly

First thing this morning I walked on the Chisholm Trail in Plano. I liked the Blue Jay who peaked out from behind a tree. I gained 1.2 pounds at Weight Watchers, which was according to plan. My doctor had set a minimum weight for me that dictated that I gain 1.6 pounds. I walked for a half an hour in Shawnee Park in Plano. The renovations of this park finally got completed. They took away some of the wooded area with a grassy area.

The sermon at church dealt with the Trinity. I ate lunch at Taco Bell, where I enjoyed three shredded chicken soft tacos. I got my oil and brake fluid and transmission fluid changed.  I got in a walk at the Trail in the Woods in Plano.  I liked the Eastern Comma butterfly, though I was disappointed that I could not instantly identify it.

I finished the science fiction novel Shadow Sun Seven by Spencer Ellsworth. I enjoyed this one a lot. I look forward to reading the third book in this trilogy.  I decided to read something else first. I purchased the ebook for "Falling Leaves" by Stefan Mohamed. I am getting started on it this evening.

We dined tonight on a variety of carrots and chicken breasts.


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