Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

raids and hounds

Last weekend we watched the DVD "Te Ata". I had not seen this before. The movie is about Chickasaw performance artist Mary Frances Thompson, a Chickasaw woman in Oklahoma who lived 99 years and performed one-woman plays about being a native American for much of her life. The movie proved very entertaining. She lived in a tme and among people in which she experienced a lot of history and met a lot of people featured in the history books.
At lunch today I walked in Bradfield Park. I saw two Lark Sparrows. This was my first sighting of our only common Summer sparrow. After dinner I walked in Oak Point Park. I liked seeing a singing Northern Cardinal.

We dined tonight on pork loin chops, pasta and broccoli. The news is full of the search warrant served upon President Trump's private attorney. I walked Beatrice around the multi-block area we refer to as "around the block", as contrasted to a park walk called "around the pond".

She liked her walk. The neighbor with the rescue greyhounds rounded the corner, but then turned around.  I am not sure if she turned around because they had already been going that way and heard a barking dog behind the fence, if they were courteously heading away from us to avoid a dog confrontation, or if Beatrice and I looked like a company to avoid.

I have been reading the same science fiction novel for weeks. I like the novel, but for some reason it has been a slow boat to a distant port.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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