Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

The Kingdom of Heaven reopens for mail

The folks at are back up and running again. Postcardx is arguably the simplest of the mail art related services. One logs in one's address into a random name generator. When one goes on the site, the name generator generates a new name and address to whom to mail. Then one mails an art work, a poem, a letter or any other creative thing. Talent is not the key--it's all about the Light Within. I see that some 200odd hardy souls are signed back on the service. I'm there--they call me "Gurdonark".

If one is more interested in "mail art calls", by the way, those requests for mail art on a particular theme, for use in a "mail art show', then one might check out, where the forums include a message board for mail art calls. Mail art involves no awards, no returns of what you send, no juries, few "rules", no hassle, but documentation of the event is generally sent to "all" who participate.

One mail art call really interests me right now. It's a request for chess sets for a show in Europe. I wish to participate, but I'm trying to think how to make a chess set without any particular arts and crafts skills. I have some good ideas, but I wonder who might suggest ways for an artless person to make an art-oriented chess set?

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