Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

breezy Sunday

Yesterday's Summer-like temperatures gave way to today's March-like cold winds. I posted my Secret Mixter remix on ccMixter and reviewed some of the other mixes. My song, "Dwarf Planet", was a bit simple, but it was fun to create. I always enjoy hearing what the other folks do.

I got to Weight Watchers on time, though I did not take my usual pre-meeting walk. I was down a pound, which puts me only 2/10ths of a pound above my doctor's floor on my weight. So I will eat a bit more heartily this week.

Before church, I listened to the Sunday Linux podcast and walked in Hoblitzelle Park. The children's sermon at church touched on folks paying too much attention to folks merely because those latter folks have lots of money.
I thought the associate pastor did a good job with that.

After church, I went to the House Cafe for a lunch of vegetable soup, Navy beans, green beans and grilled catfish. After church, I walked in Bethany Lakes Park. I was a bit cold, until I dipped into a small ravine behind a little hill. Then the wind missed me, but I did not miss it.

I walked Beatrice in the afternoon. My wife and I went to Staples, where I got some office supplies. I worked on some family business some in the afternoon and evening. I want to get more done on that, but I feel I am well on the road now. Then I want to tidy up my upstairs office. I hope my success in tidying other things in my life over the past month is contagious.

We watched NCIS: Los Angeles tonight. Then I retired upstairs to do more sorting of records and to listen to more Secret Mixter remixes.

The neighborhood is full of Bradford Pear trees, which are in their annual ten-day blooms. White flowers on trees line the streets. I like that.

from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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