Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

culture and murder

The weather this morning proved a bit chilly but with no wind. I put on warm clothes. I went for a walk at Suncreek Park and the Trail at the Woods.  I saw a murder of crows screaming bloodily, a Red-Shouldered Hawk with a piercing cry, a charm of American Goldfinches, a couple of Carolina Chickadees and a couple of House Finches.

At Weight Watchers only 17 people attended rather than the usual 30 people. I gained a couple of pounds. Though the Thanksgiving week talk is usually about how to fit the dinner plate with reasonable choices, today the talk took a turn for the "how are you spending Thanksgiving?". The nice woman who checked me in, a leader of a weekday night meeting, told me she and her husband were on first grandchild watch. That's a Thanksgiving dream indeed.

I drove home. My wife and I got ready a bit, and then headed to the Modern Market cafe on Renner Road. We met our friend Malika there. We had a nice lunch together.  Then we three headed to downtown Dallas. We were early for the symphony so we headed to the Dallas Museum of Art for half an hour.

We had time to see the small special exhibition of Islamic  art from the Keir Collection.  This was a good exhibit, but a very small exhibit--perfectly suited, I suppose, to three people with only half an hour to spare. I liked best the illustrated books.  We did get a quick turn by some work in the surrealist and cubist vein before we headed back to the Morton Meyerson symphony hall.

We saw the 2:30 performance by the Dallas Symphony Orchestra. The three pieces were:
MESSIAEN: L'Ascension, POULENC: Organ Concerto,SAINT-SAËNS: Symphony No. 3, "Organ". The organist was Vincent Dubois.

I liked all three pieces. My only quibble was minor--if one is to play Messiaen, on of the great organ composers of the 20th Century,  in a performance with an organist from the Cathedral of Notre Dame, then one should pick one of his organ pieces. But on the whole, it was a grand performance.

We came home and took Beatrice for a walk. She liked the walk--the weather was now much warmer, though getting a bit chilled.

We watched the local sports team lose a televised game. am glad Thanksgiving week awaits.  I love Thanksgiving.

nutri-grain bar
chicken,  brussels sprouts, mixed vegetables
turkey chili, chips, salad


from Dreamwidth, because two posts of the same text are twice as nice

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