I walked in Travis Farm Park at lunch. This is a little park in Murphy. I hoped to see hummingbirds, but instead I saw butterflies and Eastern Bluebirds.
After work, I walked in Crowley Park.
The news is full of difficult things. The police inquiry into the deranged terrorist who shot 500 people in Las Vegas continues to produce conflicting and odd surmises of the fellow. The president reneged on an immigration deal designed to help folks brought here as children. There "should be" room for compromises on these immigration issues, but nobody seems able to find it. The horrid behavior of accused serial harasser Harvey Weinstein reads like a bad parody of a casting couch scenario. Social media erupted in critical tweets after Meryl Streep withheld comment until the scandal was unearthed. I thought social media a bit harsh on that part. Meanwhile, the Vice President staged a walkout from a football game over the kneeling at the national anthem issue that was even less authentic than anything described in the golden age movie days of Photoplay Magazine.
Tonight we watched on PBS as Penelope Keith visited villages in Scotland.
breakfast: kix and skim milk; lunch: roast beef sandwich and wheat bread and baked chips; dinner: BBQ turkey, green beans, roll, corn
(lovingly copied by hand from Dreamwidth by the LiveJournal cyber-angels)