Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Someone Else's Bad Night

Friday night we returned to the restaurant Spazo for dinner. Our waiter had a flustered evening. We never had this waiter at Spaza before. But we had him at some earlier restaurant. He's not a bad guy.

But Friday a previous unhappy customer apparently fazed him a  bit. As a result, he went from table to table, not quite handling things. At our table, he mis-recited the evening special--which I ordered, though it was not on the menu. My wife's order was a goat's cheese pizza, but it came out as an ordinary cheese pizza. Nothing came out in a timely way, and some things were not quite right.  The fellow's manager came over a time or two to apologize. But we like Spazo and we like the waiter. We all get flustered sometimes. I felt really badly for the waiter. I hope his job is secure. I ate more than usual at dinner, which will probably lead to an adverse weigh-in tomorrow. But it is okay.

I stayed up too late last night. I slept in a little this morning. I got up early, and then fell back asleep. In the mid-morning, I watched the Daytripper, a Texas travel program that covers Texas topics. This week's episode was one of my favorite northeast Texas towns, Mount Pleasant. I took Beatrice for a walk in weather that was pleasant and sunny.

A bit after Noon, I rode my bicycle on the Watters Creek Trail. I got good pictures of a Carolina Wren and of a Northern Mockingbird. I went to Dickey's BBQ for lunch.  I watched part of a football game in which the Arkansas Razorbacks were outmatched by Texas Christian University,
but played a spirited game.

I created a new song using another artist's samples as part of the ccMixter "secret mixter" quarterly event. I like the song I created pretty well. The method of creation was fairly simple--editing sections of songs, and then using paulstretching to alter them, and then stitching them together.

Friday: cereal and skim milk, fried chicken breast and wing and green beans, salmon, spaghetti, rolls, and salad.

Saturday: cereal and skim milk, bbq chicken breast with green beans and a roll

(lovingly copied by hand from Dreamwidth by the LiveJournal cyber-angels)

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