Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

moving mud

Yesterday morning I saw a little brown spot on the carpet. I reached down to pick it up. The little brown spot turned out to be a tiny gecko. It skittered away under a divan. I still have a bruise on my left elbow caused by sliding on a wet bridge on my bicycle some weeks ago. My wife arrived home from Kansas City, with tales of good times with family and eclipse planning. I saw a huge Cooper's Hawk in Salmon Park in Sachse yesterday at Noon.  In the late afternoon/early evening after work, I walked in Shawnee Park. A German Shepherd off-leash gave me a quizzical look until his owner put him back on leash. His companion, a Lhasa Apso, came up and barked, until his owner and I assured him that he need not bark. We ate more of the blue potatoes I got in Oklahoma from a farm. They tasted great roasted.

We watched an episode of "Foyle's War" and enjoyed spending a quiet evening at home.

Breakfast: organic frosted flakes with skim milk
Lunch: fried chicken breast and leg, french fries and 1/4 biscuit
Dinner: salad, baked salmon and roasted blue potatoes

(lovingly copied by hand from Dreamwidth by the LiveJournal cyber-angels)

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