I tried to go to Travis Farm Park at lunch, but it was being mowed. After lunch, I walked near my office instead. After work, I walked on the Chisholm Trail. I saw my first Spotted Sandpiper of the year. Its non-breeding plumage features very little in the way of spots.
That brings my Collin County bird species count for 2017 up to 103. Facebook reminds me that a year ago I was in Yoho National Park in Canada. I saw a Spotted Sandpiper near Canmore a year and a day ago.
The temperature was not cool, but it was cloudier and cooler today than the prior heat. As I drove home, a bit of sprinkled rain fell--a rarity in early August.
I am still busy, but it is fun to be a bit busy.
breakfast: gorilla munch cereal and skim milk
lunch: grilled chicken, green beans and a roll
dinner: chicken and salad
(lovingly copied by hand from Dreamwidth by the LiveJournal cyber-angels)