I ate instant oatmeal first thing this morning. We woke up early to attend the 7 a.m. Easter service at Suncreek UMC. We liked the service, which was conducted in part indoors and in part outdoors. We all sang "Morning has Broken" to the accompaniment of a guitar.
I came home and did my laundry. The new machines worked great. I folded my clothes, and went to grab some fish, green beans and corn-on-the-cob for lunch.
In the afternoon, I walked in Limestone Quarry Park and in Russell Creek Park. I saw a Mississippi Kite well enough to count it, and watched three Carolina Chickadees playing amid some trees.
Tonight we ate ham and sweet potatoes. Then we watched "Call the Midwife". Then I worked on some family paperwork.
(cross-posted to DW as an exercise in cloning)