After the service, the congregation had a "town hall" to discuss an architect's proposed remodel. I sometimes find that folks can turn 20 minutes of content into a 90 minute meeting. But the plans were useful--a separate children/youth building with increased security and a central desk so that people can be welcomed when they arrive from any of three disparate entrances.
I ate three soft beef tacos for a late lunch, which was a hearty addition to my morning breakfast cereal and skim milk. Then I headed home. I had a long but constructive phone call with my sister on family business. Beatrice said "yowp" to me, which I think meant she was asking to go for a walk. So I walked her the mile around the pond. She socialized a bit with a Pomeranian and a Golden Retriever, though in point of fact her social instinct went away when the Golden came near.
In the late afternoon, I walked at Suncreek Park. I walked on the trail in the woods by Rowlett Creek. I got some nice photos of a Downy Woodpecker. I did not get a glimpse of the Barred Owls whose series of "who" calls reverberated through the woodlands.
The weather today could have been June weather. I saw butterflies more usual in June--the Tiger Swallowtail and the Giant Swallowtail.
I researched another potential vacation location--this time in Colorado. I also looked into a brief Memorial Day trip in Texas.
We had leftover chili for dinner, which adhered to the rule that stews and chilis are better the second time around.
I stayed up late last night watching "Beetlejuice". When I saw it in the theater, the title character was my least favorite thing about a movie that I liked. But this time it all fit together better for me. Tim Burton movies either work for me ("Coraline") or fail to work for me ("Nightmare Before Christmas").
The strategy of scattering bird seed on the little memorial bench for our dog Scout works out great. So far the birds have been Mourning Doves, House Sparrows, a Carolina Chickadee, Blue Jays, Northern Cardinals, and Dark-Eyed Juncos.