Robert (gurdonark) wrote,

Summer in February

Today could have passed for early June. After work, I walked Beatrice. She nonchalantly pretended to examine some really fascinating set of grass blades at just the moment that a young dog nearby wanted to say hello.

I began my morning working on non-work paperwork. I talked today about jury duty, for which I have been summoned in March. I read about the train route from Edmonton to Jasper.

I like trains--commuter rail, city-to-city, and even little narrow-gauge lines. But I do not like them in the railroad-magazine-and-N-gauge-model-train-all-aboard-cool-engineer's-hat way. I like them in the when-you-look-out-the-window-things-pass-by way.

I also like planes and automobiles and John Candy characters.

Breakfast: Cinnamon toasted oats and skim milk
Lunch: broccoli, carrots and three slices of pepperoni
Dinner: tortellini, salad and a bit of chicken breast.

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