read the digital version, but I never keep up with the log-ins.
After breakfast, I attend to medicine for our dog Beatrice. She takes two morning pills unless she has had a recent bout of this or that, which bouts can temporarily increase the pill count. I put the pills in green pill pockets that Beatrice finds delightful. To make the pockets more economical, my wife has us buy the large pockets and then cuts them in two. This is apparently cheaper than buying the small pockets. Sometimes I defeat the economy by giving Beatrice an extra half of a pill pocket. After her pills, I give her a dog biscuit. She takes the biscuit and runs into an adjoining room.
This morning after Great Value Instant oatmeal I purchased Roy Baysfield's ebook "Desire Paths", which absorbed me into its narratives about walking as a kind of exercise and pilgrimage and spiritual journey and mundane thing. I knocked out 48 pages of the 270 pages in short order. I also read a few poems from Disinheritance, by John Sibley Williams. These were both very satisfying things to read.
Today the weather flirts with freezing but has no needless and ambiguous entanglements with the wintry breeze. I debate in my mind which is worse--all the toxic rhetoric or all the distressing non-rhetorical changes in environmental and civil justice protections. I think about ways to try to help make things better.